Color and Length of the Kyo and Shitagasan

Color and fabric standards of shitagasane worn with men’s sokutai
  Summer shitagasane Winter shitagasane
Fabric Color Cloth Fabric Color Cloth
Emperor Surface Kenmon shomon Sūo Tate tobishi Stiff silk weave or brocade White Ko-aoi
Lining Unlined Stiff silk weave Kokisūo Tate tobishi
(2/panel width)
Officials Kugyō
(ranks 1–3)
Surface Kenmon shomon Sūo Yokobishi Stiff silk weave White Brocade
Lining Unlined Stiff silk weave Black (or fukaki sūo) Yoko tobishi
(ranks 4
& 5) + 6
Surface Koku shiki Futaai No pattern Plain silk White No pattern
Lining Unlined Plain silk Black (or fukaki sūo) No pattern
Length of kyō (shitagasane train) from heels
Late 13th C.
Shinnō (Royal Princes) 1.5 feet ? ? ?
Kanpaku (Regent) 15 feet
Daijin (Ministers) 1 foot 7 feet 10 feet 10 feet
Dainagon .8 foot 6 feet 9 feet 8 feet
Chūnagon .8 foot 6 feet 8 feet 7 feet
Sangi (Advisors) .6 foot 5 feet 7 feet 5 feet
3rd court rank 5 feet 7 feet 5 feet *
4th & 5th court rank 4 feet 6 feet 4 feet
Bettō & daiben (Chiefs & Controllers) 3.5 feet

* Includes second court rank as well.


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